Epigenetic testing FAQs

How does this work?

  • Via a non-invasive hair pull utilizing 4-6 hair follicles from the occipital region of the scalp, the resonance of the cellular frequency of the follicles is read by a spectrum sine wave drive.
  • Results, displayed in a report, are received in 15 minutes if done in person, 1-3 weeks if a hair sample is mailed in.
  • The 30+ page report includes 800 nutritional and environmental markers and an appointment to review and discuss the findings of this snapshot of your nutritional profile.
  • When you order the test, if local to San Jose, CA, we will call and arrange a time to schedule your hair pull in person.
  • When you order the test, if remote and mailed in, you will return a sample of your pulled hair follicle and the processing center will return the results in 1-3 weeks once received. We will then contact you to schedule the report review discussion.

Benefits of this testing include:

  • A better overall picture of vital nutrients and system stressors including:
    • vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and antioxidants
    • an evaluation of the immune, gut and circulatory systems
    • highlights environmental influences such as viruses, parasites, toxins, EMF exposure, offending food additives and other chemicals.
  • A non-invasive approach showing the presence of nutrients at the cell level for a 3 -month period.
  • Covers a longer span of time than blood work. For instance, blood testing is invasive and only provides a 1-3 day view of what is in your bloodstream.
  • The report also shares foods that are beneficial to focus on in each system scenario, what foods to avoid (but not necessarily for allergy reasons), chemicals to avoid, food additives to eliminate, and EMFs to avoid exposure to.
  • During the report review, all systems and results will be explained as will actionable approaches with check lists for 30-60-90 day intervals to track progress due to changes in your diet, food intake/restrictions, avoidance of EMFs, food additives and specific chemicals.
  • This method is complementary to other forms of testing and can observe conditions that are not always detected by traditional blood testing.
  • Cost effective and convenient.

How / where can I get this test?

  • Directly, in person, via mail order.
  • Here’s the link to pricing and to order online.

What is the process once I get the test?

  • In person: we pull and scan the hair and will read your results in a follow up, scheduled discussion. Each report is about 30 pages.
  • Via mail order: you ‘pull’ your own hair (video instructions included) fill in your contact info and mail in the hair. We will contact you when the report is complete and to schedule the report review.  Please make sure your phone and email contact information is accurate on the order form.

Why is the timing to get a mail in report so different?

  • Our local, in person, scanning drive is for hair freshly pulled (within 3 minutes of the pull). For mail order, the hair degrades slightly in transit so more powerful equipment is needed to read the hair follicle.

How much hair is pulled?

  • 4-6 strands from the occipital region of the scalp.

What is the hair pull experience like?

  • While gloved, you, or we, part the hair at the occipital region and pull the hair with a sanitized tweezer (provided in the mail in kit).

How long does it take to get results?

  • 15 minutes in person, 1-3 weeks via mail order once it’s been received by the lab.

How long are the results good for?

  • The results snapshot is for 3 months.

How long does it take to affect nutritional changes?

  • Depending upon how affected someone is, changes in eating or other habits, and how they are affected environmentally, changes may be noticed between 2 weeks – 3 months.

Are you going to try to sell me supplements?

  • That is not the intention. Most/best change is usually through changes in food intake/type, habit modification and avoidance of chemical, EMFs and other environmentally affecting substances.  If supplementation can help support the aforementioned process, that avenue may be discussed.

I’ve read where testing hair cannot get these types of results?

  • Testing hair only, yes. This proprietary equipment tests the resonance of the hair follicle, not just the hair, so it isn’t affected by shampoos, dyes, coloring etc.

How long has this technology been around?

  • 15 years in Germany.

Blood Labs FAQs

A blood draw will provide us with a report that we can explain to you. Items reviewed / explained include:  Essentials Profile, CBC with Diff, CRP. There are more specialized blood labs available but we start with this grouping.

How do I arrange this?

We can direct you to a link where you can purchase the test. The organization providing this will send a blood draw order to a LabCorp lab local to you. You will be in their (LabCorp’s) system when you make an appointment. The draw is included in the price of the lab. The results report will be generated within 1-3 weeks and we will notify you when it is available and we can schedule a discussion of the results at that time.

What if I don’t have a LabCorp location near me?

We can check with our supplier if new LabCorp locations have been added to your service area.