Test, don’t guess.

We are a multi-disciplinary educator with advanced methods for testing that focus on nutritional imbalances, food, immune, resistance, interference and environmental affects to your health.

A Targeted Approach

We identify wellness vs. imbalances by using epigenetic follicular testing as well as an elevated investigation into blood work to explain which bodily systems are being affected.


  • Taking a cellular and blood work review approach helps to pinpoint affects.
  • You don’t have the time or wherewithal to research or understand all of this as it is not your specialty.

Options / Offerings:

  • Cellular level review:  (Epigenetic, Cellular testing)
    • You want a non-invasive, affordable method with a comprehensive discussion to review your lifestyle, habits, eating patterns, supplementation, exposures, external influences (resistance, interference, environmental) past / current issues or any other affects to your health to better understand how all interact and what is at the root of your wellness snapshot.
    • It is a 3-month view into overall wellbeing.
    • It covers 800 indicator data points, 15 bodily systems with a 30+ page report generated within 15 minutes (if in person). Remote kits are available (and take 2-4 weeks).
    • You want answers and actionable tasks that make sense !!!
  • Blood work review: (You provide previous blood work or we can request a blood draw)
    • In-depth review of blood markers and what they show.  So much more information than an ‘in range’ or ‘out of range’ commentary.  What those results really mean.

Think about it…..

  • Every ounce of your health is connected, don’t settle for testing that gives you only part of a picture or blood labs that doctors do not research or explain.
  • Root cause focused. Post testing discussion (included) explains the data.  Protocols can be determined upon review.
  • Most folks come to us because they are having hair or other specific issues.  Your hair or any other specific issue is one of the first tell-tale signs that your health overall is being challenged. You will be surprised to find what else is being affected as well.


  • Data Driven – our test offerings (follicular and blood) cross confirm data being reviewed.
  • Results Orientated – root cause focused. Post testing discussion (included) explains the data.
  • Research Led – all data and explanations are from extensive research.

What are your next steps to understanding your path to optimal health?

Follicular Epigenetic Mapping – Service

We realize there are so many ways to investigate health concerns. Living in this world of never-ending challenges, tainted or declining nutritious food options and constant chemical, EMF, viral, bacterial and other exposures, we are excited to offer follicular / cellular epigenetic mapping combined with an extensive and comprehensive report which gives an encompassing insight to wellbeing.

  • This evaluation of epigenetic expression, called resonance testing, works by capturing frequencies from various bodily cellular systems at the energetic level and offers a 3-month window, wellbeing profile of your health at a cellular level which covers 800 indicator data points, 15 bodily systems with a 30+ page report generated within 15 minutes (if in person). Remote kits are available.
  • The technology we use was developed in Europe and has been in existence for 15 years.
  • Our one-hour discussion combined with the comprehensive 30+ page report will bring insight into the status of your health.
Find the root cause, then address the approach.

We discuss the report with you with you explaining the interdependencies and interactions.  The report review is critical because although you may show deficiencies, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should, for example, supplement, because underlying factors may be causing deficiencies.

Want to know more?  Here are the FAQs…

Blood Labs – Service

A common practice investigating wellness status is to draw blood. This is recognized as a standard but only provides a 1-3 day window of what is in your blood, not what has made it into your cells (where the real action takes place). It does not point to what foods or food additives to avoid, what environmental factors are affecting you, which bodily systems are being affected and what foods to use to address optimal wellness.

This is a complementary approach to epigenetic mapping and comes with a review of the labs.

Want to know more?  Here are the FAQs…